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ORTOA Constitution

Oldham Parish Church

















Constitution and Rules of the Association

l. The name of the Association shall be 'The Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside Organists'

2. The objects of the Association shall be to advance the education of the public in the
study of the Art of Music, with special reference to Liturgical and Organ Music. To
facilitate the achievement of such objects, the Association may arrange and present;

i) Public lectures, discussions and debates on this subject
ii) Public demonstrations of instruments
iii) Public demonstrations of Music for Organ and Voices
iv) Open competitions for the playing, singing and composition of Liturgical and Organ
v) Public meetings to facilitate the exchange of information and views with other
organisations and persons concerned with the composition, interpretation,
presentation, teaching and publication of Liturgical or Organ Music
vi) Advice to performers, teachers, students, Churchmen or other members of the
public on any matter concerned with the improvement of standards of composition
or performance of Liturgical or Organ Music.

The Association may also do such other lawful things as are necessary or desirable for
the attainment of the objects.

3. Membership ofthe Association shall be open without restriction to any member of the
public who is interested in Organ, Choral or any other kind of Music. Membership shall
become effective on payment of the first years Annual Subscription.

4. The proceedings of the Association shall be open to members of the public (not being
members of the Association) on payment of such fee as the Association shall from time
to time determine.

5. Each member shall pay a minimum Annual Subscription, of such amount as shall from
time to time be determined at a General Meeting of the Association. This subscription
shall fall due on April lst in each year, provided that any member joining after January
lst in any year shall not be required to pay any further Subscription until April lst in the
year following.

6. Any member whose Subscription has not been paid by July lst following the date on
which it fell due shall have his or her name removed from the mailing list of the quarterly
magazine, "Thc Organists' Review". Any member whose Subscription has not been paid by December 30th following the date on which it fell due shall cease to be a member of the Association. Upon payment of all arrears, any such member may be reinstated, at the discretion ofthe Committee.

7. Persons who are under the age of 18, or who are full-time students, may be admitted to
membership of the Association on payment of such a reduced rate as may from time to
time be determined by the Association. Any member so accepted shall pay the full
Subscription for the year in which he or she attains the age of 18 or ceases to be a full
time student. Senior Citizens may be admitted to membership of the Association on payment of such a reduced rate as may from time to time be determined by the Association. Members of the Association shall be entitled to purchase copies of the quarterly magazine "The Organists' Review", at the Incorporated Association of Organists Members Rate, as may from time to time be determined by that Association.

8. The business of the Association shall be managed by a Committee, which shall consist of:

i) A President, a Vice President, The Honorary Secretary, The Honorary Treasurer,
and the Honorary Assistant Secretaries, all ex-officio members
ii) Six ordinary members of the Association who shall be elected by the members at an
Annual General Meeting, all Committee members retiring annually and being
eligible for re-election

At any meeting ofthe Committee, four shall form a quorum. Any vacancy on the Committee occurring during the year may be filled by the Committee electing another member of the Association to act until the next Annual General Meeting. The members of the Association shall at every second Annual General Meeting elect one of their number to act as President for the ensuing two-year period, the retiring President becoming Vice President during the first year in office of the new President. At alternate Annual General Meetings, a Vice President shall be elected to serve as President Elect, and to follow the current President in that office. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, who are both eligible for re-election as such, shall be elected annually. An Honorary Auditor shall also be elected annually.

9. The annual Election of Officers shall take place at a General Meeting, to be held in April
each year, and convened after not less than 21 days notice.

10. There shall be not less than one ordinary meeting of the Association during each quarter
of the year.

11. The Committee is empowered to elect Honorary Life Members of the Association, who shall be eligible to serve on the Committee if invited by the existing Committee.

l2. The income or property of the Association shall be applied solely to the promotion of the
objects in paragraph 2, and no payment or transfer of any part of such income or property shall be made to or for the benefit of any member of the Association. Provided that nothing shall prohibit any payment in good faith by the Association of reasonable and proper remuneration of any member of the Asociation, not being a member of the Committee, for any service rendered to the Association, or to any of its Officers for out-of-pocket expenses.

13. If upon winding up or dissolution of the Association there remain after the satisfaction of
all it's debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to nor distributed among the members ofthe Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other Charitable Institution having objects similar to those of the Association.

14. These Rules shall not be altered nor added to except by resolution at a General Meeting, of which 21 days notice shall be given to the members, and no alteration shall be made which would cause the Association to cease to be a Charity by law.

l5.Any member of the Association is entitled to demand and receive a copy of these Rules.
April 1993













































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